Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

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Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

Hey flute players!
Check out our new PVC Fujara Set. For 90 EUR you get in fact 3 instruments!
It's one part with whistle and joint and two playing tubes in different
tuning. When you want to use D fujara you connect D tube, when you want to
play on C fujara you replace it with C tube.
And when you disconnect the part with the holes you have overtone flute!
(Check video for details) So in fact you have 3 instruments in one in
collapsible variant (much easy to transport)!

There's 2 sets we offer:
- C,D(90 euros together) and
- A,G(99 euros together, longer tubes)


1. Three instruments in one: two fujaras and one overtone flute!
2. Very well tuned in western concert temperated tuning
3. Collapsible (no hassle during transportation)
4. Extremely light: less than 500 gramms for the set!
5. Professional quality of sound
6. The holes are close together so you can use different fingering and apply
the techniques from other flutes (see video for details)
7. Very easy to play, everybody can start playing right away!
8. Highly durable
9. Cheapest fujara ever!

Painted Fujara with symbols from Ancient Kuzhebar culture or other ethnic
motifs is also available for the order.


For demonstration videos, sound samples, photos and other details
please click here:

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

Hey folks!
We just elaborated new revolutionary hybrid fujara :1:
Now it have 5 instruments in one!!!
Here is the video:
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spiritual snake
Le tchatcheur fou||La tchatcheuse folle
Le tchatcheur fou||La tchatcheuse folle
Messages : 885
Inscription : jeu. 14 déc. 2006, 19:12
Localisation : Chamonix

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par spiritual snake »

Je voulais deja en commander une mais là, ......, c'est impressionnant !
Le fait qu'il y ai un tube pour soufler la rend beaucoup plus maniable, puis 5 notes .....
Enfin que du bonheur, je t'en commande une très prochainement :6:

Bravo à vous !

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

Hi there!
thanks for that! Sorry, i don't speak french :icon_coucou:
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spiritual snake
Le tchatcheur fou||La tchatcheuse folle
Le tchatcheur fou||La tchatcheuse folle
Messages : 885
Inscription : jeu. 14 déc. 2006, 19:12
Localisation : Chamonix

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par spiritual snake »

I wanted already to order one but there, ......, it is impressive !
I order one very soon

Cheer with you!

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

No problem, let me know
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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
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Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par Ahaw »

140€ c'est quand même exorbitant pour trois bouts de PVC et un tuyau.
Surtout qu'il y a la vidéo du making of ici et que le bricolage est à la portée d'un enfant.

Sinon c'est clair qu'elle sonne nickel mais bon... faites votre choix.
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Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par francedidgeridoo »

C'est incroyable comment c'est cher le pvc surtout avec l'augmentation des cours du pétrole :mrgreen:
Campagne de lutte anti-sms : (message de la Fédération Française contre le langage SMS)

Et hop le didge... :icon_vert:

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

Yes, everyone can make it, but not everyone can achieve the professional sound quality and well temperated tuning (even builders in Slovakia). And that's the set of 5 keys.
And obviously this is not a price of PVC, this is price of a lot of research puted to get reach overtone spectrum and exact tuning.
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Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par francedidgeridoo »

I'm agree with you Nadishana (about lot of research), but 140€ is a not a lower price and people think that pvc is a kind of plastic. If you do the same in wood, people will think different.

I haven't had in hand your fujara , so i can't give my opinion about quality and playability. :8:
Campagne de lutte anti-sms : (message de la Fédération Française contre le langage SMS)

Et hop le didge... :icon_vert:

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par Kapi »

le son est vraiment tres agréable ! ( sound is very pleasant)

vous avez vu des videos avec du didge et cette flute ?

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

well, 140 EUR is the price for 5 in 1 model. We have 3 in 1 model which costs 90 EUR: http://shop.nadishana.com/#fujara
This is absolute minimum for the professional sound quality fujara well tuned which you cannot find anywhere in this world.
If you look for the prices at fujara.sk you will find out that wooden fujaras starts from 400 EUR (single ones, not sets!). And that's the proper price of the fujara production from wood, if we make it out of wood our prices would be also 400 or more. And when you try to make the set of 5 instruments out of wood it will be VERY heavy and will cost about 800 minimum i think, because you have to make it collapsible and find proper pieces of wood which would fit together. You cannot be mobile with this anymore. The idea of our futujara is about total mobility and diversity of keys.
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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
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Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par Ahaw »

Hi again,

I have bought you the 90€ model a few months ago.
Indeed, the sound is great and playability is easy.

On the other hand, I'd have expected some sort of manufactured product, specially designed to be a fujara, a bit like the Travel Didj.

The materials used are raw pipes that you can find in any do-it-yourself shop and bits of corks (French speciality ;-) > total price : less than 5€ !
And as I said, the crafting of the instrument is fairly easy. The only hard part being to cut the fipple which can be acheived using a simple cutter.
Of course, the lenght, diameter and position of the holes have to be calculated, but your friend Paul Marshall gives all the tips needed in his aerophone's video section.

So when I received my instrument, my heart was really balanced between the joy of having this great instrument (I repeat it > it IS a great instrument) and the sadness of feeling swindled (due to the excessive price).

I find it great to be able to build good instruments out of cheap ready-made materials but that's not the price it should be.

You're working with great graphic artist Yulia Surba... The price you sell your fujaras should include her fine decorations at least.

Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par nadishana »

unfortunately we're not a factory and each instrument is made by hand, not manufactured in bulk. And our fujara is clearly presented on the videos - it is obvious how it looks like. So i don't know why you expected something else:?:
We contacted big company who produce this stuff in Germany to make special colored stuff for us and they told the price we can't afford. And this will put the price up. We're still in research of this matter.

Julia Surba runs her own business and she told me that she cannot go down then 100 for doing the design because the background coloring of the instrument includes 3 stages: polishing, coloring (then drying out) and puting the lack after painting, all by hand. The painting is just small part of it. We offer the designed fujaras but they're more expensive.

So i think we doing our best. And if you feel unsatisfied with the look of fujara and feel swindled don't hesitate to write me an email. You can return your fujara and we'll give you your money back, it is not a problem, we're friendly people. We offer this fujara for the musicians who want to have professional sound quality instrument without paying 400 or more and for whom the look is not first important thing.

Anyway thanks for your critique, it's good to know your opinion! If you feel unsatisfied in any way please contact me.
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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
Messages : 2792
Inscription : ven. 22 déc. 2006, 10:45
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Re: Fujara (flute harmonique) set: 3 instruments in one

Message par Ahaw »

I did contact you, and as I said I am not unsatisfied.
Just kinda balanced between a good and a bad feeling.
Price is always a delicate matter in arts and crafting.
If I consider the cheap materials in use and the simplicity of the crafting compared to the price, indeed I feel swindled.
But if I only consider the sound of the instrument I'm totally satisfied !

This is my feeling about your fujaras... I don't want to break your business but just to give my opinion as a user of one of them.
You are a great musician and produce cool instruments, so keep on going!
But I'm sure you'll sell a lot more if you'd lower your prices a little or add a little personnal touch to that raw material...

Peace :6:

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