News de panart, fake?

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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
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Inscription : jeu. 11 mai 2006, 19:56
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News de panart, fake?

Message par doudou »

Vous trouverez ci après la dernière newsletter (soit disant) de panaArt paru le 19 mai 2010 sur le site hangfan.
Que devons nous en penser ? Fake ? Réalité ?

Merci pour vos réactions.
"Dear visitors to the Hang church, (it's not a place of worship)

PAN ART (PanAart) has decided to have the following publication newslettered in the Hang Church Library. The numerous questions and doubts concerning our work with sound and the sale of hanghung have called for clarification in the matter.

For more than 30 years, the ancient ones have contacted us and told us we are interested in the question of how human beings can find a balance, how they can get to know their inner resonance. This type of research requires daily work and dedication, some would indulge fanaticism. Things learned must be released time and again; (but not things written, they must remain on a very long chain) - the source of creativeness must not be neglected, indeed all sources of creativity are valid, even when we don't agree with their particular reflection or angle.

Therefore, PanAart does not consider itself to be a business which wants to grow and maximize profits, for this is the way of the foolish being - based on control and self-gratification. For this reason there is no website and no advertising except this bit - well it's not advertising because it's in a church and therefore only really has historical significance and once removed from the context of its original conception, it bears little or no meaning to those who read it.

The wage of our work is maturity (30 years is a long time!), which we regard as a gift (sort of like the gift of time). In the future we want to present the traces of this work – the hanghung – to people who need them for their inner strength (note we said traces of, not the actual real thing we'll see how strong that inner strength really is). We won't allow dependency though, for that would be counter-resonant. Time is very demanding for all of us (sorry to keep you). The contention with our unnamable aspect has become necessary (henceforth to be known as the 'unnamble aspect'). The discussion with the resonance body “Hang” may provide valuable impulses (like to run out and buy one for hugely overinflated prices). This could be a deeper sense of our work.

Alternatively, we could just tell that music can lead you down some pretty wild and trippy paths, and you know what the wildest is - you are a divine, immaculate, unique human being expressing your natural biological electrical vibration partnered by the mesmerising effect of a tonal vibration generated in a plate of metal, lovingly crafted by two folk in a hut in Switzerland. ~ "It's really good fun and it attracts LOTS of attention, though its a deep, spiritual, body-resonance device too!" (citation needed) It's like putting on the sunglasses in that cool "They Live" movie, where if you care to look you find more under the surface all the time - but it's GOOD!

The impact of our hanghung has triggered an enormous demand worldwide. Many people have been deeply touched by how the sound affects them. They are so amazed by the profound resonance in their souls that they would like to touch a hang themselves. It is an inspiring sound, we really know that.

You would like to buy a hang?

Musicians who are looking for a musical instrument will be disappointed (though we are using highly subjective descriptions here of course - musicians and musical and instrument). The Free Integrail Hang eludes the conventional definition of a musical instrument (though you may have freely chosen your own conventions and cultural definitions without fear or prejudice, in which case ignore this bit). Its rich dynamic cannot be mastered; there is no technique to be learned. The hang has the strong capacity to intuitively mirror the player. A bit like reality has a strange innate ability to reflect what you give out.

The marriage of rhythm and melody as perceived by the percussionist falls short (unless you're a really, really, good drummer with an amazing connection to melody). For this, the scope of tones in the hang is too limited. Playing on more than one hang doesn’t lead anywhere either: the steel pan family is already chromatic and we really don't want to be associated to them anymore - because we get a kick out of being so unique. The Free Integrail Hang points in the opposite direction: a sound body of enormous richness which caresses the soul in various manners. Sophisticated play with the hands leads to the purpose: a daydream from which one emerges invigorated. It basically like 'tripping out on a drum' or a mean Hendrix solo - not that you'd ever know what that feels like - but just pretend it's like that and you might begin to get the picture.

To state it clearly and precisely: we do not make percussion instruments, handpans or hang drums. Playing the drums is a different language, but fortunately due to excellent translation sites in the interwebs, it's getting easier. The imitators of the hang allow playing with sticks or gloves. We make the hang for the hands, beyond any playing techniques. And please, don't pretend your finger is a stick or that it actually feels softer, like a glove, it must be played with only human-esque, resonant hand movements, like sinking a slice of toast into a bowl of custard.

PanAart consists of two people who have jointly created the hang. PanAart is not a productive enterprise. It is essential that each hang is accounted for as an individual sound sculpture: it is supposed to be effective. Therefore, there are only a few available….it's kinda like if you know what we're saying, then you don't need to read this, or actually continue to desire a Hang - because you already know that if you use the force, one will come to you. A bit like the voices said to us "Build and they will come.....except it'll be harder to come later on because you've started a bit of a craze haven't you"

Reappraise yourself if you really want to get involved with a Free Integrail Hang. The direct contact with our highly sensitive resonance bodies requires a high degree of inner freedom - freedom to camp outside our drive for weeks without food or water, until you're so nearly dead of starvation, we take great pity upon you and invite you in for a warm cup of Hang soup.

In 2010 we are making and exploring the Free Integrail Hang. All hanghung have already found their owners. Numerous letters are still waiting to be read. So, basically, short of you being a f*cking guru, you might as well throw your luck to the wind and just go and meet up with a few Hang players and musicians at somewhere cool like the Sunrise Celebration Festival in 2 weeks, or the HangOut in September and stop f*cking about in your life, if you're really that interested.

PanAart trusts the management of the website headed by Matron Paschkov (who is a most trusted and learned receiver and brother of the Clergy) and permits the publication of its texts in the Hang Church library. Please note also that the library is only so named for the purposes of attempting to somehow legitimise this interpretation of reality above all others and make it sound more important or official.

Oh and because there are tossers on the web who think they know it all and we can't be bothered to talk to or interface with, despite enjoying their hospitality, we're letting a dude call Michael run our website for us - stunningly and efficiently re-branded as HangBlog. It's like the next rung down in the ladder you see.

In the hope of having answered your ardent questions, though we suspect deep in your heart you already knew the answers and just can't accept that it's all one big reflection of yourselves, we remain

yours sincerely from the HangFanHaus

The great makers
S & F

subjective fiction BUT

still funny

Dernière modification par doudou le dim. 30 mai 2010, 13:09, modifié 1 fois.
Association Terremythe RDV le mercredi de 20h a 22h au 36 rue Parmentier 38000 GRENOBLE

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Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Messages : 508
Inscription : lun. 05 mai 2003, 10:18
Localisation : St-É (42)

Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par Jay »

Sympa les copié-collé sans savoir d'où viennent les sources et le pourquoi de cette fausse lettre.
Good Vibes
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Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Messages : 601
Inscription : lun. 05 juil. 2004, 12:56
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Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par Swisseric »

Quelqu'un peu donner plus de précisions vu que mon anglais est limité et le traducteur est limité lui aussi.

Merci d'avance
Le réchauffement climatique m'inquiète, est-ce que ça va engendrer de grave modification à la pizza 4 saisons ?
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Le discret||La discrète
Le discret||La discrète
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Inscription : lun. 04 janv. 2010, 14:31
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Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par meurk »

X| :nonon: :erk: :berk1: :( :langue: :langue: :langue: :triste2: :nono: :nono: :langue: :langue: :nonon: :rougefaché: :pasdrole: :nono:
................... Meurk .............
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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
Messages : 2869
Inscription : jeu. 11 mai 2006, 19:56
Localisation : Grenoble
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Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par doudou »

Jay a écrit :Sympa les copié-collé sans savoir d'où viennent les sources et le pourquoi de cette fausse lettre.
Oups tu as raison désolé.
Je corrige.
j'ai trouvé cette lettre sur Hangfan:
Je pensais que cette lettre était vrai, si ce n'est pas le cas, je supprimerais le post.
Association Terremythe RDV le mercredi de 20h a 22h au 36 rue Parmentier 38000 GRENOBLE

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Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Messages : 508
Inscription : lun. 05 mai 2003, 10:18
Localisation : St-É (42)

Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par Jay »

Supprime alors.

Tu l'a recopié toi même

"subjective fiction BUT

still funny

Dernière modification par Jay le dim. 30 mai 2010, 10:54, modifié 1 fois.
Good Vibes
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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
Messages : 2589
Inscription : dim. 16 avr. 2006, 22:44
Localisation : le sol

Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par choukroute »


Le hang a beau être un très bel instrument, l'atmosphère qui s'en dégage parfois a de quoi laisser perplexe...
Heure du
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La pipelette infernale
La pipelette infernale
Messages : 2869
Inscription : jeu. 11 mai 2006, 19:56
Localisation : Grenoble
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Re: Dernières news de PanaArt fabricant du Hang.

Message par doudou »

Jay a écrit :Supprime alors.

Tu l'a recopié toi même

"subjective fiction BUT

still funny

ok. J ai change le sujet du post pour que l on puisse discuter des rumeurs circulant sur panart.
Je t invite d' ailleurs a nous faire profiiter de ta connaissance du hang en nous donnant des news de première main.

Association Terremythe RDV le mercredi de 20h a 22h au 36 rue Parmentier 38000 GRENOBLE

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